Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Political effigy of Ariel Sharon

Ariel SharonNoam Braslavsky | Solo Exhibition, The Kishon Gallery21 Oct - 19 Nov 2010
A great work and a reminder of the tradition of effigies.
Since the middle Ages, an own genre of votive offering was established, which were named in analogy to the ancestral portraits in the Roman cult of the dead effigy.
These were body sculptures made of wax, wood or leather and which were provided with clothing of the deceased for the funeral ceremonies, for taking the place of the deceased.
However, after the ritual funerary, the effigies lost its magical function as a “persona ficta” (Ernst H. Kantorowicz). So the useless effigy were then parked carelessly somewhere in a storeroom.
Harry Count Kessler
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