Saturday, October 23, 2010

"good breasts and bad breasts": My advice to overprotecting parents

Breastfeeding mother, Marguerite Gerard (1761-1837) 

With my godchild, i observed, that the parents do no like to entrust the child to me. Because they fear that I mess up their education standards. But this is a mistake regarding to the psychoanalyst Melanie Klein: "In her object relations theory, Klein argues that 'the earliest experiences of the infant are split between wholly good ones with "good" objects [good breast] wholly bad experiences with "bad" objects' [bad breast] [12], as children struggle to integrate the two primary drives, love and hate, into constructive social interaction. An important step in childhood development is the gradual depolarization of these two drives." Therefore, the contact to different people (good & bad breasts) is very important for a child!
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