Sunday, October 31, 2010

Picasso - his first museum exhibition 1932, Kunsthaus Zurich

I have seen the exhibition of Picasso at the Kunsthaus Zurich. It is a kind of reconstruction of the great Picasso Zurich exhibition of 1932. Today, the images of Picasso no longer have the explosive power of 1932, when the exhibition was a scandal. Legendary was the psycho - pathologizing critique of CG. Jung on Picasso. In our exhibition "Paul Klee and the Medicine" we have already mentioned this case. The present exhibition is solid made, but we get no new insights on Picasso.

The reconstruction of the exhibition of 1932 could have been made more consistent. For example the same double hanging of the paintings, Photographic reproductions of the missing works from 1932, who are not shown in the present exhibition, etc.

Nevertheless, the exhibition is worth a look. Above all, the little documentary about the exhibition of 1932.
Best HGK

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